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Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes of year 2017, 2018 and 2019 as below

Oct 05, 2020

Meeting Minutes October 5th 2020

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition meeting 10/5/2020


In attendance: Kris, Kay, Cassy, Jenny, Cara, Britanny, Jennifer, Kaiya, Madelyn, Jessica S.

West Central got a grant and is utilizing that for more resources, have educators working on getting their CLCs.


CHI Mercy will have prenatal classes starting in October with a limited number in attendance. Jennifer Hensley is no longer teaching that. CHI will be starting Zoom breastfeeding check ins in November. Jennifer is having some come in to support room for weights, is currently doing telephone consults and those are going well.


Baby Café is not open for face to face. Updates coming soon from Iowa Coalition.


Please send Kris Wood breastfeeding friendly businesses in email. Send what business, why they are friendly and contact person if you have that. So far some mentioned are Hy-Vee, Target, The HUB, Baby Café, WIC, local hospitals.

Have logo for window clings, and certificates will be printed, then given to businesses.


Lots of discussion about helping to support pumping moms in their work place and resources for them to give their employer.


Breast Pump issuance has been down during COVID. Are more moms exclusively breastfeeding?  West Central did say they had been issuing more pumps.


Upcoming educations for lactation are on the Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition site.


Iowa Maternal Mortality report was released in March. Jenny Sharrick.

-non pregnancy related deaths have doubled for post-partum moms.

-Disparity amongst black and Asian moms compared to white moms.

-Post birth warning signs initiative released and FAMILY is partnering with local hospitals to promote.


October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.

-There is a training this week 10/7 at noon put on by catholic charities. Jenny sent email with info.


Meeting this week with Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition for Family Friendly Businesses.

-10/8/2020 via google meet. Email the coalition if you’d like to be on the committee.


Jessica Semin from UNMC DNP program presented

-tool kit for local MD offices to give to moms to promote breastfeeding and breastfeeding resources.

-10 steps to successful breastfeeding


Next Meeting: Monday December 7th, 2020. 12pm-1:30pm

Jun 01, 2020

Meeting Minutes June 1st 2020

SWI Breastfeeding coalition meeting notes: 6/1/2020


Agency updates:

WIC-open and in office, most apts. by phone, some coming in for enrollment and breast pumps. Physical presence needed waived until end of June. Starting July 1st adding canned beans, whole wheat bun and pasta, yogurt in the tubes and 1 container of chocolate milk to WIC approved foods.


FAMILY-Cassy taking maternal health clients. New Title V grant will be increasing agency’s work with breastfeeding support and coalition.


VNA-telehealth visits, currently a couple CB patients. Hoping to do face to face with postnatal moms in June.


Baby Café-Madelyn has redone the office mommy room. She is available for outreach while Baby Café is closed (due to COVID).


Old Business:

Please send the following information to to nominate your breastfeeding friendly business by June 30th:

  1. Business Name, address, phone

  2. Contact person at the business with their contact information

  3. Why you are nominating them as a breastfeeding friendly business (an example or story would be great but not required)

  4. Person Nominating the business and their contact information


-A few more nominations for the businesses we want to honor for World Breastfeeding week will be coming in.

-Cassy L can make window clings for businesses with a solid image.

-our coalition agencies will be acknowledged too for great work.

-Madelyn will talk to IA breastfeeding coalition about honoring businesses-they have previously done this, also gave places to look for images and direction.

-We need a space to have businesses awarded and us for this celebration, space to social distance as well

-hopefully coalition will have table at Farmers Market in July when non food vendors are allowed.

-need to update coalition website with COVID closings for support groups

-Madelyn posting things on Facebook for coalition-can we please share coalition FB page so we can get more followers?

-Instagram directs to FB

-State call went well, looking for presenters for September meeting-email if you know someone interested in presenting

New Business:

-coalition would like help 1st Thursday in August at Table at Wellness Bash to promote coalition, Kris said she would be willing to share her table.

-great resources on Iowa’s coalition website for COVID-19 resources we can add to SWI website

-Spoke about mom’s having anxiety giving birth during this time.

-no in person breastfeeding or mom support groups that we know of at this time

-Kay presented great info on trying to increase community partners and strengthening relationships for breastfeeding partners.


Next meeting Aug 3rd.


Madelyn Brunow shared some wonderful links yesterday.  Below is a copy of the Chat Log from the meeting:


Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:27 PM:

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:27 PM: this is the logo on our website currently

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:31 PM:

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:31 PM: this is nebraska's

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:32 PM:

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:33 PM: Kansas

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:34 PM:

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:34 PM:

Cassy Lawrence (to Everyone): 12:36 PM: Thank you for the logo links!

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:49 PM:

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 12:49 PM: michigan logo...they are all pretty similar

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 1:03 PM: Looks like Milkworks is doing virtual groups, I believe free

Madelyn Brunow (to Everyone): 1:03 PM:

Apr 06, 2020

Meeting Minutes April 6th 2020

April 6th, 2020

In attendance: Kris Wood, Cassy Lawrence, Kaiya Mears, Amanda Jones, Wei Kay Eng, Jenny Sharrick, Amanda Blum


Recognizing Breastfeeding friendly businesses in SWI:

-would like to acknowledge during world breastfeeding week

-possibly window cling and framed certificate

-nominations come in through us and the public for friendly business to employees and patrons

-with nomination: info-business name, why was the experience awesome, nominator, contact person

-hopefully at least one per county

-send to Kris


Pump forms:

-Please turn in forms, only 3 have come back.

-pumps are to extend breastfeeding and help meet goals

-questionnaire on one piece of paper

-good feedback about new one


Baby Café:

-not many updates

-thinking of coming into WIC for a day

-not a lot going on bc of COVID



-WIC Breastfeeding conference in May has been canceled

-CLC training in Red Oak, IA August 10th-14th;  follow this link and then click Iowa in the drop down menu.

-Kaiya will send email link for Art and Science of breastfeeding webinar



-Funders seem to want to focus on the crisis right now and hopefully when things get back to “normal” and there are less urgent matters, funders will want to support IBCLC scholarships.

Wellness Bash:

-Should the coalition have a booth at the Wellness bash, possibly by the nursing nook? Meeting attendees in favor of this.

*No breastfeeding support groups at Jennie at this time due to COVID-19


Next meeting: June 1st, 2020 12pm


Madelyn Brunow’s Report:

I can at least report the following

I have not used any of the 2 pumps I have here in my office yet…I have had a meeting with WIC in early March but it has been a downhill slide since then! We did go over pump policy and this grant available. They have also had decreased numbers for WIC participants as I understand. We made plans to “be” more present in clinic here in Harrison and then social distancing L


Baby Café…is obviously not meeting in person currently. I am still able to do LC phone calls etc and use the baby café grant funding. I am working on creating a comfortable office space for when I can have moms back in my office and hoping this week to possibly get going with for virtual consults.

We purchased with grant funds a year of Natural Breastfeeding Program and prenatal and early postpartum education for moms online to be able to complete. We are looking at how to get this login info to families and being able to capture some of that data by using would like to get that out ASAP and hoping that our WIC will be able to help with that info getting out…but that is still needing to be nailed down in logistics. They are thinking of extending the grant by at least 6 months which would be good!

Since the Iowa Breastfeeding conference has been cancelled/postponed til Sept.? The IBC is planning a virtual meeting for May meeting and will be providing some education on a couple of topics…since I also do disease investigation I was not able to be on the last board call so I am not exactly current on what the topic was selected…COVID-19 something and then something about supplementation possibly…

We need to do elections however and we are trying to figure out how best to proceed with that…please anyone interested in getting involved with the board reach out! We love to have some new blood. I do not remember all the current positions open this year but look for emails to come about this.

we will plan to have an in person meeting in Sept. hopefully with the conference and also with CEU’s/CERPS

I think that’s all I can spew out quickly! LMK if you have any questions!

Madelyn Brunow

Nov 15, 2019

Nov. 15 2019

Nov. 15th, 2019


In attendance: Kris Wood, Wei Kay Eng, Amanda Jones, Madelyn Brunow, Katie Bonnet, Nancy Murray, Brittany Garey, Kaiya Mears, Nicolette McCullough. Call ins: Cara Cacy, Jenny Sharrick, Jamie Werges


Updates: Baby Cafés are all officially up and running. This grant will last through 2020. 1st Wednesday of the month- Woodbine Methodist Church 6-8pm, 2nd Wednesday Dunlap Public Library 1-3pm, 3rd Wednesday Healthy Space Missouri Valley 10:30am-12:30pm, 4th Wednesday St. Anne Catholic Church Logan 10am-12pm. These are breastfeeding focused but are also great for socialization, mental health support, etc. Open to pregnant mothers as well.

Brittany Garey will be creating a Facebook page. Madelyn, Katie, Kris, Kay, and Amanda will help with posting on this website. The intent of this page will be to share breastfeeding support groups, classes, Baby Cafés, breastfeeding friendly businesses, and promotion of breastfeeding. We will also provide a link to our Instagram page and coalition website.


Walmart Foundation Grant pumps- still missing forms, please get these sent to Kris Wood.


CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs Healthy Communities Fund grant- Please be the best stewards of our pumps and funds for this. Make sure to follow the policy and procedure form and call if you have questions. Please do not give a pump to a mother who only needs it for rare occasional use bottles, they should obtain a manual pump from WIC for this purpose. If you are unsure if they are on WIC, call the WIC office first to confirm participation. Please fill out the form attached to the pump and fax to Kris Wood. Follow up should be completed 1 month after issuance and recorded.


Continuing Ed.- CBS Credentialing is available online. Phase 1 is 45 hours and costs $645. Phase 2 is an additional 45 hours and meets the requirement for the IBCLC exam. This second phase costs $595.  Once enrolled the participant has one year to complete the courses. If someone signs up to take both phases the cost is reduced to $975. Discussion to possibly apply for a grant in the future for scholarships.


We would like to start moving forward with Breastfeeding Friendly Business recognition in the year 2020.

Sep 09, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Sept. 9, 2019

In attendance: Katie Bonnet, Courtney U., Jennifer Hensley, Wei Kay Eng, Kris Foley, Kris Wood. Call in: Susie Webering, Nancy Murray, Madelyn Brunow.




Great feedback from the Breastfeeding Conference held at the Olson Center. One of the favorite sessions was information on getting fathers get involved. This was presented by a male midwife who is also an IBCLC and has a military background. One of the peer counselors from WIC may have her husband start a father’s support group inspired by this session.


Baby Cafe did not start on its projected date but will be starting soon in Harrison County. Sept. 18th will be the first date located at The Healthy Space in Mo. Valley. The second scheduled baby cafe will be on the 25th in Logan. Flyers will be available to distibute soon. 


All pumps from the Walmart Foundation Grant have been distributed. Kris F. to check to see if all forms are turned in. Follow up should be completed by the person who distributed the pump if that hasn’t been done already. 


Courtney from The Daily Nonpareil is here today to interview Kris W. and take a photo of the group with some of the pumps received from the CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs Healthy Communities Fund grant. 50 total pumps were able to be purchased, about half of those are currently available today. Some extra pump parts were also purchased with this grant money. Moving forward with these pumps, we want to make sure to number the boxes so that we can track them.  We will also ask that anyone who distributes a pump marks off the barcode. 


When distributing pumps, please be sure to complete the form and send to Kris Wood at the fax number listed on the form. It is the responsibility of the issuer to follow up with the recipient within one week and then again in about 2 months. Collect this information and send to Kris’s Wood as well or bring to the SWIBF Coalition meeting. A form for follow up questions will be developed. 


Instagram page is up and running, please find us and follow the page! Swiabreastfeedingcoalition is the page to search. Facebook page to come. Lack of time to dedicate to this is currently an issue. If someone would like to take charge of this or to assist with it, that would be appreciated!


Upcoming USLCA Regional is October 30th. Please make sure to register and help spread the word! This will be located at the Council Bluffs Public Libbrary. Deadline to register is Oct. 23rd.  202-738-1125


Doodle poll has been sent for determination of November meeting date and time. Please make sure to complete ASAP! 

Jul 29, 2019

Add some more info about this item...

Meeting Minutes July 29, 2019

SWIBFC Meeting Minutes
July 29th, 2019


Present: Katie Bonnet, Jennifer Hensley, Kris Foley, Nancy Murray, Kay Eng, Brittany Schaben, Amanda Blum, Madelyn Brunow, Jenny Sharrick, Amanda Jones, Kaiya Mears

Instagram and Facebook not launched yet, more discussion is needed. Questions that arose- how will we reach an audience, how frequent should we post, who will post, should multiple people have login access.

Remaining pumps from first grant- Amanda has given one and has one left, WIC has given one? and has one left, Jennifer gave out two and does not have any remaining. Unsure where 5th pump is at this time- Kris Wood may know. Pump forms- Kris Foley to check to see what forms are completed and which ones are missing. Follow-up on these pumps to be discussed with Kris Wood as well. Moving forward with new pumps, we would like to have a clear policy on pump issuing and follow-up procedures.

New CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs Healthy Communities Fund grant- we were awarded a $5,000 grant (thank you Kris Wood!) to purchase pumps. Jenny discussed crafting a press release to be put out soon and will speak with K. Wood about this. The group talked about different pumps that were options for purchasing. Also discussed having the pumps to display at the Regional USLCA and having the NonPareil there to photograph and publicize.


Regional LCA: Still need a 3rd speaker- thinking possibly an Infant Mental Health speaker? Madelyn is working on this. Would like 60-80 in attendance, must have a minimum of 60 signed up one month in advance. CEUs and CERPs provided. Cost for Early Bird deadline of August 30 is $120 and Standard cost is $150 for non-members. This will be located at the Council Bluffs Public Library on October 30th from 9:00-6:00.  Lunch will be provided, no walk-ins are allowed.

Baby Café- Held in Mo. Valley on August 21st and in Logan on August 28th. These are open to the public for two hours and provide breastfeeding support. The grant for this program lasts through the end of next year. It currently supports Harrison County only.

Goal for next year: plan something for the month of August (Breastfeeding Month). Establish a social media presence. Recognize and develop breastfeeding friendly businesses. Connect mothers with pumps who are not eligible for a pump otherwise.

Moving forward, meetings will be every other month. Next meeting is Sept. 9th at ISD campus from 12-1:30. Call in option will be sent out prior to the meeting.

May 06, 2019


Meeting Minutes May 6, 2019

May 6, 2019

In attendance: Katie Bonnet, FAMILY, Inc., Meredith Martens, WIC, Kay Eng, WIC, Jennifer Hensley, CHI Mercy, Stephanie Buelna, WIC, Amanda Jones, Jennie Edmundson, Madelyn Brunow, Harrison County Public Health.

Call ins: Kaiya Mears, VNA, Amanda Blum, WIC Agency 48


Agency updates: Madelyn applied for a grant to open up six baby cafes. She will find out in June if she will be awarded the funds. Kay will be a full time dietician at the Pott. Co. WIC office. Meredith is taking Stephanie’s position. Stephanie is moving and will be gone by the end of May. Baby fair is this Saturday at Mercy.

Who will be taking over the coalition?: Meredith will be the chair and Katie the co-chair.

Coalition survey: No clear answer on the best time to meet, another survey will be sent out with more specific times.

We discussed possibly only doing education meetings quarterly instead of every other month. No decision made at this time.

Goals for next year: Honoring breastfeeding friendly businesses, Medicaid pump coverage, securing more funding for pumps for mothers who fall through the gaps were all discussed as top choices. One thing to think about with Medicaid pump coverage is that we lose the education piece if Medicaid begins to cover pumps, is this something we want to see happen?  We are also looking into bringing a USLCA workshop to Council Bluffs. Location must be donated- library will work for this. Possibly looking at October as a goal?

Breastfeeding Friendly Business Recognition update: Jennifer is setting up an Instagram page, Katie will set up a Facebook page. There will be no commenting on the Instagram page, instead just a link to our coalition website and possibly posts about BF events in the area. More discussion needed on how to evaluate the business and how we will honor them.

Breast pump update: Four out of seven pumps have been issued since February. WIC guidelines will be changing making more mothers eligible for breast pumps starting in October 2019.

Apr 01, 2019


Meeting Minutes April 1, 2019

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting

Date: Monday, April 1, 2019

Time: 12:00pm- 1:30pm

Location: FAMILY Inc.  Conference Room

ISD Campus, Careers Bld.

3501 Harry Langdon Blvd, Ste. 150

Council Bluffs, IA 51503



12:00pm- Introductions and agency updates.

                  Katie Bonnet returns 4-10-19.


12:15- continuing education webinar. Extending Breastfeeding among Black and Latina Mothers: Preparing Women for the Postpartum Period

-       May be a good idea to screen women and refer to providers sooner

-       This study had a social worker doing screening in pediatricians office




1:05pm- Breastfeeding Friendly Business Recognition

·         (Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses Group- Katie Bonnet, Jennifer Hensley, Stephanie Buelna, Madelyn Brunow)

·         Michigan Breastfeeding Network

o   Anytime, Anywhere campaign

o   Have businesses sign pledge (Michigan only)

o   Have window clings (Free)

·         In May need someone to go to the Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting to see if Iowa is going to do anything.

·         Need to develop an evaluation tool for determining who gets the award.  Jennifer Hensley is working on this and will bring to next meeting.

·         Jennifer Hensley looking into getting our group on Instagram and linking to our webpage to showcase the breastfeeding friendly businesses.



1:25m-   Upcoming education opportunities:

1.        April 17th-  Children’s Glow Auditorium.  Lactation Journal Club

2.       May 16th Unity Point Breastfeeding Conference

3.       Aug. 28, 2019  Baby’s Natural Choice Breastfeeding Conference: at the Embassy Suites Omaha - La Vista Hotel & Conference Center, 12520 Westport Parkway, La Vista, NE.


1:30pm- Adjourn


Mar 04, 2019


Meeting Minutes March 4, 2019

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting

Date: Monday, March 4, 2019

Time: 12:00pm- 1:30pm

Location: FAMILY Inc.  Conference Room

ISD Campus, Careers Bld.

3501 Harry Langdon Blvd, Ste. 150

Council Bluffs, IA 51503



Attendance: Stephanie Buelna (WIC- Pottawattamie County), Jenny Sharrick (FAMILY Inc), Amanda Jones (Jennie Edmundson), Jodi Gute (Methodist Women’s Hospital), Nancy Murry (Methodist Women’s Hospital), Cara Cacy (Myrture Medical), Amanda Blum (WIC –West Central Community Action)



12:00pm- Introductions and agency updates.

·         Katie Bonnet back April 10th

·         Amanda Blum- new WIC coordinator for West Central Community Action.  Their agency has Hygia Enjoy pumps at WIC clinics. They have had very positive feedback on these pumps.  The Hygeia pumps are multiple user but they also have Medela on the go totes that a mother can keep later.   If mom needs a pump before there will be a WIC clinic in the area, she can go to an outreach office to pick up the pump.  Call 1-800-338-1129.



12:15pm- Jodi Gute, MSN, APRN-CNS, C-EFM

          Infant falls, Methodist Women’s Hospital

·         10 falls in this study.  Nine of the falls were after 24 hours of birth.  One fall was past 48 hours of birth. 

·         Infant falls more likely with C-section (7 of 10)

·         Infant falls more likely with sedating  medication (70% of falls)

·         80% happened on the night shift 1am-7am

·         90% were breastfeeding

·         7 of 10 had baby in moms arms and mom fell asleep

·         1 dad fell asleep holding on couch

·         1 baby fell while lying on the bed.

·         40% of falls maternal age between 30-34 years of age

·         They made changes on education and placement of basinet in the room.  The changes did not seem to impact breastfeeding rates.  


12:40pm-  Pumps here.  Please fill out form and call WIC before distributing. 

·         We received 7 pumps to distribute to clients that would not otherwise be eligible to receive a pump.

·         Funding received from Walmart Foundation.

·         Need to submit finances for this grant at end of year.



12:45pm- Breastfeeding Friendly Business Recognition

·         (Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses Group- Katie Bonnet, Jennifer Hensley, Stephanie Buelna, Madelyn Brunow)

·         Plan to have one coalition member attend the Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting in May to see what the state is doing to recognize businesses

·         Put an article in the newspaper in August during World Breastfeeding Week.

·         Michigan Breastfeeding Network

o   Anytime, Anywhere campaign

o   Have businesses sign pledge (Michigan only)

o   Have window clings, can get for free




o   Possible GOLD Lactation topics:

§  Plan to have continuing education topic from GOLD learning at April meeting: Extending Breastfeeding among Black and Latina Mothers: Preparing Women for the Postpartum Period



1:25m-   Upcoming education opportunities:

1.        April 17th-  Children’s Glow Auditorium.  Lactation Journal Club

2.       May 16th Unity Point Breastfeeding Conference

3.       Aug. 28, 2019  Baby’s Natural Choice Breastfeeding Conference: at the Embassy Suites Omaha - La Vista Hotel & Conference Center, 12520 Westport Parkway, La Vista, NE.


1:30pm- Adjourn

Feb 04, 2019

February Meeting

Meeting Minutes February 4, 2019...

SWIBF Coalition Meeting
February 4, 2019


In person: Nancy Murray, Stephanie Buelna, Madelyn Brunow , Kris Wood, Kaiya Mears, Jennifer Hensley, Amanda Jones

Updates and announcements:  

-New WCCA WIC Coordinator- Amanda Blum.  Amanda is planning to attend our meeting next month.
-The coalition applied for a $5,000 grant from the Wal-Mart Foundation through the Walmart on N. 16th Street and received $750. We are planning to purchase 7 Spectra Pumps from Nebraska Methodist Women’s Hospital.  Plan to have these housed at hospitals in Council Bluffs as well as the WIC office.  Clients would need to fill out form and agree to follow up questions from the coalition and not be receiving a pump from WIC or their insurance to be eligible for the pump.  Forms sent with IBCLC to approve with hospital for use.

Continuing Education from GOLD Lactation:

Topic: The Milk Sharing Conundrum- The Grey Area Between Scope and Need

-Viewed as a group but each person registered and paid individually

- Planning to talk to clients about safe milk sharing. 

-Eats on feets has a handout that can be printed on the 4 pillars of milk sharing to help patients make informed decisions.

-may try another online option in April such as Lactation Education Resources or USLCA webinars or Annual Update, 2018: Lactation Landscape

Instructor: Sekeita Lewis-Johnson BSN RN IBCLC DNPc


Upcoming education opportunities:

1.        April 17th-  Children’s Glow Auditorium.  Lactation Journal Club

2.       May 16th Unity Point Breastfeeding Conference

3.       Aug. 28, 2019  Baby’s Natural Choice Breastfeeding Conference: at the Embassy Suites Omaha - La Vista Hotel & Conference Center, 12520 Westport Parkway, La Vista, NE.

Next Meeting:

·         March 4, 2019

·         Infant falls in the hospital- Jodi Gute, MSN, APRN-CNS, C-EFM (Methodist Women's Hospital) to speak on research she has done on infant falls in the hospital

·         Discuss plans Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses

Jan 07, 2019


Meeting Minutes 1-7-19

SWIBF Coalition Meeting
January 7, 2019


In person: Nancy Murray, Stephanie Buelna, Katie Bonnet, Kris Wood, Kaiya Mears

Call in- Madelyn Brunow

Updates and announcements: 

-WCCA WIC director resigned.
-The coalition applied for a $5,000 grant from the Wal-Mart Foundation through the Walmart on N. 16th Street and received $750. Their next grant cycle starts in February.

Pump purchase discussion:

$165 Walmart Medela pump
$187 per pump from Medela quote
$1,500 purchase requirement for Ameda pumps
$71 per pump from Calypso quote
$100 per Spectra pump through Methodist Women’s
$150 per Medela pump through Pott. County

Medela is not a closed system, Spectra is a closed system.
Milkworks has teaching sheets for Spectras and there is a video for how to use it online as well. Flanges work well for a variety of sizes. With the $100 price point, we could also purchase some spare parts with the remaining grant money.

The group decided we would move forward with purchase of 7 Spectra pumps.

How are we going to track pump dispersal?

-We will need a HIPPA release for purposes of tracking and for verification of WIC enrollment status.
-Agreement to follow-up
-Demographic information
-What gap did we fill?

Plan to put together a draft form for discussion at the next meeting.

Where will the pumps be housed?

-Amanda at Jennie, Jennifer at Mercy, WIC office

More funding opportunities:
Walmart Foundation grant cycle reopens in February
CHI funding
Pottawattamie County Community Foundation


Upcoming education opportunities:

Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition webinar on January 17th
Journal Club at Children’s on January 23rd
Unity Point May 16th


GOLD Lactation Webinars- moving forward would we like to start viewing these at meetings? Each person will need to register individually, but we can get a group discount if we submit names and emails ahead of time.

We would like to find milk sharing lectures and lectures related to breastfeeding and the workplace.

What do we want to work on this year?

Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses
Infant falls in the hospital?

Dec 03, 2018

December 2018 Meeting

Meeting Minutes 12-3-18

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting

Date: Monday, December 3, 2018

Time: 12:00pm- 1:30pm

Location: FAMILY Inc.  Conference Room

ISD Campus, Careers Bld.

3501 Harry Langdon Blvd, Ste. 150

Council Bluffs, IA 51503





12:00pm- Introductions & updates for your organization–


Attendees: In person: S. Buelna, Nancy Murray NICU MEthodist


Via Call in: Alana Moore - newly cert lact counselor - red oak




Madelyn -


Amanda Jones - from JEMH



looks like 20 total for BF needing pumps that were WIC eligible and not able to get one- for 1 month so multipy by 12 - 240 pumps multiplied by cost of pump - $23,000??




12:20pm- review of last meeting- breast pump status, grant options, collecting numbers



Research shows longer BF rates if using electric vs. hand pump; Would want funding for electric pumps (either loaners or single user electric pumps)



Pump Google survey results for 1 month: Approx. 20 total for Breastfeeding moms needing pumps that were WIC eligible and not able to get pump


- for 1 month so multipy by 12 - 240 pumps multiplied by cost of pump - $23,000??



Would any of the mom's be ok with hand pumps vs. electric pumps - Most scenarios discussed would need electric pump



WIC doesn't issue many pumps for NE since covered by NE MC  - this is sometimes troublesome - moms not always getting pumps when they need even when covered by Medicaid



submit numbers to IDPH, grants


Look at getting donations from Auxiliaries and Dr. groups; get on a "donation list"



12:30pm- pump coverage updates


o   Funding options for NOW.


o   Walmart Community Grant due December 31, 2018


o   CHI Community Funding - Community Coordinator  - someone talking to this person to see if any funds - sounds promising so far.


o   Next steps?



Do we need to become 501c3 or submit grant proposals through Family Inc and/or WIC



Discussion regarding Best set up for one local place/person/type of pump?



League of Human Dignity - rental equipment for very cheap; would they rent pumps. (Madelyn)



Sam's club/walmart community grant program.


Due Dec 31st. $250-5000 grants available


Apply for Sam's Club grant


CHI - pumps at hospital - commuinty funding


Sam's Club - grants for those not eligible through WIC


House pumps at local hospitals - issued by LC's or Coalition members following specific guidelines from  Coalition to issue it. Keep pumps where patients are.

Reviewed some of the case scenarios that were submitted to the survey via google



Plan: Going to submit SAM's/Walmart grant - Stephanie, Madelyn, Nancy going to write grant; Katie and Amanda proof reading grant



1:25pm- Other misc.



·        Next meeting January 7, 2018 12-1:30


Will continue pump discussion and see if any grant results





1:30pm- Adjourn

Nov 05, 2018

November 2018 meeting

Meeting Minutes 11-5-18

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting


Date: Monday, November 5, 2018

Time: 12:00pm- 1:30pm

Location: FAMILY Inc.  Conference Room

ISD Campus, Careers Bld.

3501 Harry Langdon Blvd, Ste. 150

Council Bluffs, IA 5150


12:00pm- Introductions & updates for your organization–




Call ins: Allana Moore, Cara Cacy, Madelyn Brunow


In person: Nancy Murray, Stephanie Buelna, Katie Bonnet, Jennifer Hensley, Amanda Jones



12:20pm- review of last meeting- Breastfeeding and infant oral health.



Speaker: Erin Wetzel, Speaker: Erin Wetzel, DDS Dental Director at All Care Health Center


Breastfeeding seems to positively effect bite formation


Mixed reviews on tooth decay - Breastmilk more protective than formula -but no conclusive studies.


Dental professionals don’t often see babies and may not see tongue tie until breastfeeding is done.


Need to get more breastfeeding education into the dental schools. Erin wants to reach out to Creighton school of dentistry and IWCC since she realized how little she knew about breastfeeding.



Breastfeeding in the United States - From Breastfeeding Support in the Workplace toolkit, May 2017 University of South Carolina


“A 2-year study of a large insurance company discovered a savings of $240,000 in health care costs and $60,000 in reduced absenteeism for 343 employees who participated in their breastfeeding support program.”


“Another company found that healthcare costs for employees who did not participate in their program were more than $2,000 more than those who did.”dAnalysis: IF 90% of US families could comply with medical recommendations to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months, the United States would save $13 billion per year and prevent an excess 911 deaths, nearly all of which would be in infants ($10.5 billion and 741 deaths at 80% compliance).” (Pediatrics, 2010)



12:30pm- Medicaid pump coverage updates


What states cover pumps on Medicaid? Iowa only 1 of 6 that doesn’t cover; some cover both electric and manual, some only cover one type, review of slides from aug meeting; 2017 Kaiser study; 2 states rental only


Breastfeeding rates per state?  2015 CDC Immunization survey


NE and IA 50-60% BF rates at 6 months


see slides  lower income equals lower BF rates  Pediatrics 2008;122(Suppl 2): S63-S68 found that among the 820 mothers studied who continued to breastfeed through 7 months postpartum, 92% had expressed breastmilk at some time.


  *   A 2016 article in Maternal & Child Nutrition found participants viewed “ a sense of restriction stemming from the responsibility of breastfeeding a young baby who needed to feed frequently.  Expressing milk was perceived to alleviate this.”  Pediatrics 2008;122(Suppl 2): S63-S68 found that among the 820 mothers studied who continued to breastfeed through 7 months postpartum, 92% had expressed breastmilk at some time.

  *   Pediatrics 2008;122(Suppl 2): S63-S68 found that among the 820 mothers studied who continued to breastfeed through 7 months postpartum, 92% had expressed breastmilk at some time.

  *   A 2008 study published in the Journal of Human Lactation found in WIC participants found: “Mothers who received an electric pump as soon as requested did not request formula until 8.8 months on average, whereas those who did not receive an electric pump requested formula on average at 4.8 months (P< .0001). Mothers who received an electric pump when requested were 5.5 (95% CI 2.0-15.1) times as likely as mothers who did not receive an electric pump to not request formula at 6 months.” J Hum Lact. 24(2):150-158.


Healthcare cost savings for breastfeeding?


Do electric pumps help?  Can it be manual pump?  A 1994 study from the University of Iowa titled “Effect of Breast Pumps on the Duration of Breastfeeding” found that giving women a manual breast pump in their discharge package did not lead to a significant increase in the rate or duration of breastfeeding.


Funding options for NOW.


Next steps?Sandy Oudekerk Iowa MC contact


NE has covered pumps for several years;  $35 for MC LC consult vs 150 for private ins LC visits  what ICD-10 codes


not very promising


POLK county Some sort of grant for pump coverage? But not much news on that front


Univ of Iowa


Some Hospitals and WIC’s just giving out hand pumps


Are they helpful


Not comfortable sending home late pretermers home without any pum


Katie found following price info :


  *   Medela:

     *   8 pumps (pump in style) for $1500

     *   Can fund any amount

     *   Quick response

  *   Ameda

     *   Require $1500 purchase to open account (bronze pricing)

     *   Double electric personal pump (gives us 8 pumps for the $186 pump or 9-10pumps with basic option

  *   Calypso

     *   For $1500 can get 21 pumps.

     *   Will wave the shipping charge


  *   Other companies:

     *   No response



WIC pricing??


pump and style $135




  *   Pottawattamie County Community Foundation

     *   Next cycle starts Feb

     *   May get funding focusing just on women and children

  *   Promise Partners

     *   $1000 available, Grant due Tuesday November 6th

     *   Decided by youth committee

     *   May have other funding in 2020


2018-19 community networking grant  Promise Partners- see handout - only projects in Pott County ; can go through Family Inc as 501c3 as fiscal agent


  *   United Way

     *   No funding in the near future.  Give out 2 year grants.  Just awarded in summer of 2018.  Next in 2020.

     *   Must be 501c (3) or sponsored by one

     *   Only fund 501(c) (3) public charities or government entities

     *   Also will not cover pumps because they are considered “medical or health”

  *   Sam’s Club Community Grant

     *   Supports nonprofits, government agencies, schools.  Available for areas of hunger relief and healthy eating.

     *   Amounts range from $250-$5,000

     *   Deadline to apply is December 31, 2018



The Honors Nursing Society Sigma Theta Tau, or other nursing groups at any of the colleges might find this request right up their alley since it’s so specific, tangible, and immediate. Public health student groups might too.


CHI community Funding- may be able to help with funding if we can collect some data on the need (number that would be served by this) and how we would use the funding.  CHI doesn’t like to do long term funding. CHI - would it be ok to send pumps to different counties even if funding from CHI? - as long as CHI given credit.



Door to Door fundraising ideas: ask local hospitals/clinics/auxiliaries for funding; could also ask local businesses



Need to collect data - #women served in all of our counties represented to present to any grant fund programs. Stephanie will email google questionairre/survey to collect data on anyone we see that falls through the cracks as far as not being able to get a pump either from private insurance, WIC, Medicaid…and also for those not able to get a pump in a timely fashion



CHNA -PH assessment done every 5 years gather data about public health needs -


could get estimate of the needs



What percent of Medicaid actually participate in WIC?  80% approx??



Future topics of discussion:


1) how often and what types of continuing ed to offer through the coalition.




2) will discuss this agenda item after january 2019



Education options - GOLD Lactation -pricing/group discounts



Madelyn mentioned Office of Women’s Health webinar tomorrow  - to improve medicaid coverage for post partum coverage

Madelyn suggested checking into the following for group cont. education:



the MOMMIES act link


Next meeting December 3, 2018 12-1:30


Aug 06, 2018

August 6, 2018

Meeting Minutes 8-6-18

SWIBF Coalition Meeting Minutes

Meeting date August 6th, 2018


Attendees: Stephanie Buelna, Katie Bonnet, and Nancy Murray


Review of last meeting held July 2nd, 2018:

Discussed bag distribution and difficulty getting past the front desk, best to ask for the physician’s nurse. We found that Iowa Medicaid does not cover pumps, no exceptions made. We discussed working towards obtaining a grant to cover pumps for mothers who don’t qualify for WIC or a WIC pump. We questioned whether Target pharmacy would be willing to get a DME. Questions brought up about car seat resources, Katie to bring to next meeting. We plan to have continuing education in October.


Medicaid pump coverage updates:

-What states cover pumps on Medicaid?

Please see powerpoint for complete list of who covers electric only, manual, does not cover, and did not answer.

-Breastfeeding rates per state?

Please see powerpoint.

-Healthcare cost savings for breastfeeding?

Articles presented from a UK study regarding healthcare cost savings as well as a study in 1994 at the University of Iowa and 2008 from the Journal of Human Lactation. We’d like to look into whether or not those authors of the studies are still there.

-Do we want to look into grants?

Ideas for grant sources include Pottawattamie County Community Foundation, Promise Partners, United Way, Iowa West Foundation. Please let us know if you know of any others.

We will need to obtain bids on the pumps prior to moving forward with grant funders. Pumps we discussed included Callypso, Spectra, Medela, Lansinoh, Ameda Hollister, Limerick, and the Willow Pump. Please let us know if you can think of any others.

We will also need to know what grants we will fit into, what their grant cycles are, and who will hold the money, etc. before we apply for the grant. All insight welcome on these topics!


No September meeting, next meeting will be October 1st. Continuing education will be provided as well as lunch. Please see flyer for full details on location and time and RSVP requirements.

Jul 02, 2018

Location: FAMILY Inc.

Meeting Minutes July 2, 2018

12:00pm- Introductions & updates for your organization-

Stephanie Buelna – grant from Pott Co Community Foundation – soon have nursing mothers room at WIC – will be very visible

Kate Bonnet from Family Inc renewed CLC

Amanda JoneS - JEMH

Nancy Murray– from Methodist

Kiah Miers – IBCLC for VNA Douglas, Sarpy, Pott Co – no longer has social worker for Teen Parent Program – needing MSW for Omaha office – for Teen Parent program

Jennifer Hensley CHI

Lori Greiner – Mills Co Public Health

Cara Cacy – Shelby Co. Public Health

Madelyn Brunow – via call in – Harrison county PH


Madelyn – absent – to update for Business Case for BF

Jennifer Hensley – might get funding from Hy-Vee for this Business Case


Kate – reviewed meth use and take aways – and reviewed last meeting notes –


Jennifer H and Stephanie - might be better to make apt for delivering BF bags – hard to get past front desk, maybe ask to meet with Dr.’s nurse or talk on phone to schedule a time to meet with physician

Kiah – Planned Parenthood to give bags – receptive for info – will call back for f/u –

Lori – took to 3 providers in Mills – 1 nurse and other 2 front desk staff – took cookies

Cara – already connected to physicians and will deliver this week

Katie – will deliver this week


See letter from IDPH and Iowa Medicaid – breast pumps “considered a non-medical convenience item and are not a covered DME benefit” (per letter dated 6/7/18) – NO medical reason (even NICU) babies – NO EXCEPTiONS – HAVE TO GET THROUGH WIC; State just hasn’t been contracted  via state  - Medicaid hasn’t ever covered pumps

Barriers to advocating for pumps – no even on radar of state at this time

Emily (rep from UHC) - do NOT cover pumps – have to go through WIC  - despite what clients may tell us;


NE covers pumps but not Iowa – Emily can check into that.

– Emily can look up who we contact at state – could contact local representatives

Nicole Newman – state level – has grant looking at this sort of thing -



Pott Co. WIC any BF mom can get manual pump – even if full formula pkg

NICU – no formula – single user pump  - loaner symphony – for 1 mo and then exchange for pump in style ( a month later) if needing and no formula; 16 loaners – Symphony-  changes year to year; have to be on WIC or have to make cert apt to get on WIC.


Calypso – multiuser pump  - what about WIC bid for this pump –

Methodist has a lot of Spectra users now –

Lots of discussion about how to get higher risk mom’s pumps quicker – Spectra vs Calypso vs Medela – discussion


Action Steps regarding pumps:


How many pregnant women on Iowa MC – cost for each to have a pump –

Cost savings on BF vs Formula feeding – health benefits –

CDC/IBC – BF report card

Medicaid vs WIC stats for Iowa –

Different county policies – time to get pump – etc – would we send home someone needing oxygen without the oxygen and tubing. 


United Way grant: to catch those who fall through cracks –

Amanda Jones – walgreens, anywhere that has DME she has reached out – don’t want anything to do with pumps – she can reach out to Target - 

Hy Vee – Madison Ave has nursing room – recognize down the road –

Would be nice to have Milkworks in Iowa –

3 outpatient lactation places in Omaha

VNA – give Harmony hand pumps if needed and not on Medicaid or WIC –

Methodist – has 6-10 symphony and the majority of those issued/rented to those with Iowa Medicaid clients – 50-60 per month


Some members shared what they could find on internet for formula vs. breastfeeding costs:

Medical costs of not breastfeeding? $200 per child per year


Cost of formula per baby per month – Sim Advance – approx. $144 per month –

Surgeon General’s – 1200-1500 per year formula – if BF exclusive for 6 mo – would save $13 billion national savings – just for 6 mo excl - 


Everyone look at costs/savings/# of women on Medicaid/ recommendations – WHO, UNICEF,



Missouri Medicaid covers pumps

Kansas Medicaid covered in 2015 but not now


Nurse from Methodist shared that hospitals/agencies could save ½ the cost of symphony pump kits if piece together symphony parts separately – make own kits and then leave some pieces separate for replacement parts


Amanda Jones – will reach out to University of Iowa NICU and see what they do for Iowa Medicaid clients; St Lukes, Davenport -



NE Medicaid reps  - maybe we could get cost savings from Nebraska’s Medicaid program and see how they got pumps covered


Patricia Russman – Promise Partners – car seats –

Omaha hospitals give out car seats – not always done by CST –


MEdela can do CEU’s – no CERP’s


Stephanie Buelna – has neighbor that is dentist – can talk in October – will apply for CEU’s for dental hygienists/dentists/RN’s  -


CLC NE BF Coalition – offers CLC course scholarships to anyone – would be nice to have someone in clinic go.  Have to contact Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition to Apply  - pays for the CLC class –


Mackenzie Jones – IBCLC works at JEMH and milkworks – (JEMH – part time evenings/weekends)

Amanda Jones – IBCLC at Jennie Edmundson (JEMH) M-F



- Medicaid pump coverage

o   Share letter released from IA medicaid

o   Did anyone talk to group at Iowa Breastfeeding Conference about pump coverage

o   Under what circumstances would pumps be covered?

o   Assign someone to talk to MCO’s and see what would their barriers be?

o   Assign someone to find out how many pregnant women on Medicaid, what the cost would be to get each of them a pump, how much money could Medicaid save in healthcare theoretically if every mom breastfed her baby for at least 6 months?

o   Someone to reach out to NE or NE Medicaid to see how they were able to get coverage?

o   Look into COIN Grant to get Medicaid to cover pumps.

o   Have someone contact Senators Tom Shipley, Mark Costello, Jason Schultz

o   Have someone contact Representatives Jon Jacobsen, David Sieck, Tom Moore, Steven Holt, Matt Windschitl


·        next meeting August 6th .  12pm-1:30pm. 

May 31, 2018

Meeting Minutes May 31, 2018

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting

Date: Thursday, May 31, 2018

Time: 12:00pm- 1:30pm

Location: FAMILY Inc.  Conference Room

ISD Campus, Careers Bld.

3501 Harry Langdon Blvd, Ste. 150

Council Bluffs, IA 51503


Attendance: Jennifer Hensley RN, CLC (CHI Mercy), Maggie Ballard, prevention specialist (PMP), Emily Rousek (UHC), Madelyn Brunow, IBCLC (Harrison County Public Health), Katie Bonnet RN, CLC (FAMILY, Inc.), Stephanie Buelna, RD, LD, IBCLC (Pottawattamie County WIC), Stephanie Mayne RD, LD (WIC- West Central Community Action), Melissa Vana, breastfeeding Coordinator (WIC- West Central Community Action),  Lorri Greiner (Mills Co. Public Health), Kaiya Mears IBCLC (VNA), Tisha Moore, Early Childhood Coordinator (Promise Partners), Kris Wood, MS, RDN, LD, WIC Program Coordinator (WIC- Pottawattamie County), Cara Cacy, RN, IBCLC (Myrtue Medical Community Health)


Stephanie Buelna - discussed reserving the nursing nook (a breastfeeding tent to use for breastfeeding mothers at events).  Please contact her if interested in using the nursing nook at an event.  712-328-5886






Review of positions held on coalition:  Updates

•        Cara Cacy new secretary  (from Shelby Co.)- accepted the position



medicaid coverage, coverage  - again I couldn’t hear much about this discussion.  I think this was about Medicaid not covering breastpumps in Iowa, but I don’t remember for sure either.


Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition (SWIBC - for short) is now on the IBC (Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition statewide website - not on the Coalition map yet - working on that.


SWIBC now has a website - work in progress - mission, vision, counties, members, mtg minutes, resources, contact info, breastfeeding resources available to parents and providers.


Madelyn Brunow- RN, BSN, IBCLC (Harrison County attended the Iowa Annual Breastfeeding conference in May  -  There was a meeting with just Iowa IBCLC group that discussed the Business Case for Breastfeeding - this section/committee of the IBC (Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition) is not longer active as it used to be chaired/run by Jennifer Pitkin - she resigned from running this part of IBC - discussed in mtg what to do with business case.  A sub committee was formed to discuss further whether or not to continue the Business Case and re activate this arm of IBC and if so, what goals/mission/participation would look like- Madelyn part of sub committee - others can participate if they want.  The subcommittee discussed 2 other state initiatives that recognize not only businesses that are breastfeeding friendly/supportive but also public areas, daycares, business, community acknowledgements and awards. Kansas and Michigan initiatives were researched. Kansas is geared towards daycares, business and community. Michigan’s logo is “Breastfeed anywhere anytime”  - can put IBC logo on this info more comprehensive for anyone in community.  If we (SWIBC) were willing to host committee for this IBC prefers it to be statewide initiative but still need volunteers to get word to whole state. Madelyn wants to do this in Harrison county at least - but she does have time constraints.  Some SWIBC members interested but would need more info and would discuss at future meetings . No action taken at this time. Discussed would be good to review each of these states websites for further info/assistance.



Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) sponsored Friendly Airports for Mothers Act (FAM) Act, which would require all large and medium hub airports to provide, non-bathroom space in each terminal for traveling mothers and airport workers to express breastmilk.  As of 5/5/18- referred to the subcommittee on aviation.


Presentation from Maggie Ballard from Heartland Family Services: Alcohol, Drugs and the Pregnant/Nursing Mother. The following are some highlights of the presentation:



Colorado - women sometimes use marijuana for morning sickness - has to get card for use - but dr. only has to sign card that person has a certain condition -- take this card to a dispensary (not pharmacy) - and show card - have to have qualifying condition - and then can buy any marijuana products - but they look similar to regular products (edibles especially) - “Pot tarts”, “pot sicles", “gummy pot bears”,

12-30% THC - 30 times stronger than back in 1970”s -

edibles can have up to 90% THC?? 

ingredient - CBD

CBD does have some medical benefit??

A law passed  in Iowa making medical marijuana legal last year (2017)- has THC limit on it - less than 3% THC but no laws regulating other ingredients.

Nobody checking out dispensaries in Iowa - how things made, ingredients, etc?

Oversight being left to one person with little/no funding to support it (IDPH - Randy Mayer) - will have a board of 8 practitioners.  Most doctors don’t recommend marijuana for medical use so those on the board might have bias towards using marijuana use - not necessarily a balanced representation.

in order to get medical card - 90 days of medication at once - no drug oversight program to monitor compliance as with other drug monitoring programs;  can’t be a convicted drug felon; older than 18 years of age;  - most of the time other meds only 30 day supply; 

FDA no national regulation on marijuana or even medical marijuana - FDA states no medical use for marijuana - marijuana industry not regulated - no standardization -

edibles - 30 min up to 4 hrs for high??

smoke - fast reaction


FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: no drinking during pregnancy; if drinking never too late to stop; has its effects on brain before you may know your are pregnant, no safe amount and no safe time to drink.  What are others hearing from doctors?


opioid epidemic - 67,000 deaths from opioid use in 2017


narcan - safe for pregnant women, children -


meth have harder time than those using alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs - such a powerful addiction - meth increased sex drive so more common to get pregnant while on meth

meth is more potent now


substance abuse (in general)- may seem ok as babies and just a little delayed but as they get older can get worse due to brain being hard wired differently in utero


michigan website - has info about BF drug use and misuse webinars….



Bags with local/county specific resources/websites/fliers filled during the meeting and each attendee got a designated number of bags (requested at a prior meeting):


•        Jennifer Hensley-10

•        Stephanie Buelna- 4

•        Amanda Jones- 4

•        Katie Bonnet- 3

•        Kaiya Mears- 1

•        Stephanie Mayne- 8

•        Madelyn Brunow- 5

•        Cara Cacy- 3

•        Katherine Becker- 4

•        Lorri Greiner -4

•        Erica Hash- 2

•        Nicolete McCullough- 5

•        Lori Laporte -1



next meeting Monday July 2nd 12-1:30 at Family Inc. Call in option will be available again.


•        New meeting schedule: 1st Monday of the month, unless it’s a holiday,  12-1:30pm

o       July 2nd

o       August 6th

o       October 1st

o       November 5th

o       December 3rd


Mar 28, 2018

Meeting Minutes March 28, 2018

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting
March 28th, 2018

Members present:
Stephanie Buelna-WIC, Katie Bonnet-FAMILY, Inc., Jenny Sharrick-FAMILY, Inc., Madelyn Brunow- Harrison Co. Home & Public Health, Emily Rokusek-UHC, Sarah Colpitts- Jennie Edmundson, Jennifer Hensley- CHI Health Mercy, Kris Wood- WIC, Erica Hash- SWIA Families, Carol Brammer- SWIA Families, Katherine Becker- Cass Co. , Stephanie Mayne- WIC, Kaiya Mears- VNA, Maggie Ballard- PMP/HFS

We utilized the call-in option for this meeting and it went well. Please know if you are unable to travel to the meetings, but would like to participate, this is an option!

Discussion of comprehensive resource sheet:

-Possibly distribute to providers every six months.
-Are there apps we could suggest? Lact Med was mentioned.
-More discussion to occur on this topic.

Nominations for positions:

Chair- Stephanie Buelna
Co-Chair- Katie Bonnet
Secretary- ___________
Continuing Education Organizer- Sarah Colpitts and ________
County Representatives:
Monona- Stephanie Mayne
Crawford- Stephanie Mayne
Harrison- Madelyn Brunow
Shelby- Cara Cacy
Pottawattamie- Jennifer Hensley, Amanda Jones, Kris Wood, Jenny Sharrick
Cass- Katherine Becker
Mills- Lorri Greiner
Fremont- Nicolette McCullough
Page- Erica Hash
Montgomery- Erica Hash






Action groups:

Outreach- County representatives will be responsible for overseeing this group.

Iowa Medicaid Pump Coverage Group- Jennifer Hensley, Amy Ford, Kris Wood, Madelyn Brunow, Stephanie Buelna

Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses Group- Katie Bonnet, Jennifer Hensley, Stephanie Buelna, Madelyn Brunow

Please consider joining one of the above listed action groups!

Update on Continuing Education:

Looking into different options- please complete survey sent from Stephanie regarding this topic so we can better gauge the needs and wants of the group.


-One idea brought forth is to case conference one or two client cases during the meeting to collaborate and brainstorm together.

-See below, she may be a great person to reach out to when working on Iowa Medicaid Pump Coverage.

*Federal News

Senator Duckworth Gives Birth, from Congress

Senator Tammy Duckworth has become the first U.S. Senator to give birth while in office! She is one of only 10 women in the history of the nation to give birth while serving in Congress. Duckworth has championed support for breastfeeding families in both houses of Congress. While serving as a representative to the U.S. House, she introduced the Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act in 2015 and the Military Parental Leave Modernization Act in 2016. Duckworth is currently serving as a U.S. Senator and introduced the Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act in 2017.

Minutes by: Katie Bonnet, RN

Jan 29, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Minutes 1-29-18

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition
January 29th, 2018

Present: Katie Bonnet, FAMILY, Inc., Jennifer Hensley, CHI Mercy, Tisha Moore, Promise Partners, Madelyn Brunow, Harrison Co. Home and Public Health, Arli Boustead, CHI Health, Kaiya Mears, VNA, Kris Wood, WIC, Amanda Jones, Jennie Edmundson, Stephanie Buelna, WIC, Cara Cacy, Shelby Co. Maternal Health, Jenny Sharrick, FAMILY, Inc.

-Review of vision, mission, and goals from last meeting.

Year 1 SWIBFC goals:
               ~Engage coalition members from all counties. Please reach out to any BF supporters you know
               and ask if they’d like to join our group!

               ~Identify BFing awesome and not-yet-awesome businesses- Iowa BF Coalition has stickers.                Nebraska BF Coalition has a nomination form. Tool kits are in the works and expected to be                released in 6-12 months.  In the meantime we can be collecting business names that are doing                great or could use some education and encouragement.

               ~Utilize Iowa BF Coalition and Nebraska BF Coalition. Iowa BF Coalition meetings can be                accessed via webinar. Both coalitions have a website.

               ~Bring a LaLeche League over to SWIBFC region.

               ~Engage & educate prenatal providers to be supportive of BF. Educate floor nurses on utilizing                services and referring. Flyers? Info cards? Outreach every 4-6 months?

               ~Engage grandmothers/aunts/new moms in tea party event to support BF.

               ~BFing video to OB offices to play on loop. Possibly find a YouTube video to endorse? Global                Health Media. Org?

               ~Create lactation services provider sheet for medical providers.

-Discussion and nominations of county contacts/representatives as well as member rolls including Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, and Continuing Education Organizer.

 - Distribution of Really? Really. Materials. More materials to come, extras are at the FAMILY, Inc. office and will be at the next meeting!

Miscellaneous-2018  Iowa Breastfeeding Conference is May 16-17th in Ankeny.

Action items: Please bring resources that you are already using, classes, booklets, etc. to our next meeting. We would like to create a comprehensive resource sheet. Bring your list of offices that would benefit from our outreach. Discuss role nomination for FB page manager(s). Please complete the Doodle Poll if you haven’t already done so!

Nov 27, 2017

Meeting Minutes

Minutes 11-27-17

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition

Meeting Minutes November 27th, 2017


In attendance:

Arli Boustead, Amanda Jones, Lorrie Greiner, Tisha Moore, Heidi Klement, Jennifer Hensley, Maggie Ballard, Katie Bonnet, Jenny Sharrick, Dena White, Stephanie Buelna, Madelyn Brunow, Lynn Davis, and Kaiya Mears.

Agencies represented: CHI Health, Jennie Edmundson, Mills County Public Health, Promise Partners, Council Bluffs Community School District, Prevention Means Progress, Heartland Family Services, FAMILY, Inc., WIC, Harrison County Public Health, VNA.


·        Recap of last meeting:

-The group decided on the name Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition

-Gaps in services identified


·        Develop Mission:

“To educate and encourage families, healthcare providers, and the community to support breastfeeding as the norm in Southwest Iowa.”


·        Develop Vision:

“The Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition is a community collaboration of individual members and organizational partners dedicated to creating an atmosphere for breastfeeding to be the preferred feeding choice through education, policy, systems, and environmental change.”


·        Update on consistent messaging- Really? Really. materials:

Arli stated there is currently funding available for mass printing of Really? Really. materials. The group has received a link to the materials and are to report their wish list to Stephanie Buelna by January 1st.


·        Continuing Education update:

Discussion of starting a journal club or possibly joining/partnering with another journal club who has already begun the process.


·        Goals:

-Increase early access to knowledgeable BFing information and professionals through outreach and education.

-Increase BFing initiation and duration rates

-Advocacy for BFing pump to be covered by Medicaid and other insurance providers

-Increase in percentage of 1st generation mothers with Breastfeeding initiation

-Increase education outreach to Hispanic population

-Recognize BF friendly businesses

-Engage healthcare providers in promoting breastfeeding

-Engage coalition members from all SWI counties


Please review these goals and provide feedback. At the next meeting we will be selecting our top priorities for the upcoming year.


·        Other/miscellaneous :

-Discussion of alternating meeting locations, please submit your requests to Stephanie Buelna or Katie Bonnet via email. Also, please respond to the Doodle Poll as soon as possible so that we can choose the next best date to meet. Next meeting will be in January.


-Please review the mission and vision statements and provide feedback/suggestions. Please also read over the goals we have identified.


-We would like to have more physician, nurse practitioner, midwife, etc.  involvement in the group…who should we reach out to?


-What counties are we including in this group, who should we be reaching out to? Since the meeting, a tentative list has been identified including: Monona, Crawford, Harrison, Shelby, Pottawattamie, Cass, Mills, Montgomery, Fremont, and Page. Please think of people in these counties who may be interested and bring your list to the next meeting, or send them an invite to the next meeting when it is decided!


-How do we become a “Breastfeeding Friendly” county?

Oct 30, 2017

Meeting Minutes

Minutes 10-30-17

Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition
Meeting Minutes 10/30/17


o   Introductions


In attendance: Tisha Moore, Promise Partners;  Jennifer Fischer, WIC;  Lynn Davis, WIC;  Madelyn Brunow, Harrison Co. Public Health;  Jenny Sharrick, FAMILY, Inc.;  Katie Bonnet, FAMILY, Inc.;  Kris Wood, WIC;  Amanda Jones, Jennie Edmundson Hospital;  Stephanie Buelna, WIC;  Kaiya Mears, VNA


o   Name for group

               The name Southwest Iowa Breastfeeding Coalition was decided as a group as we have members             from both Pottawattamie County as well as Harrison County currently and would like to expand            to involve more counties in the region.

o   Needs Assessment

·        Current Support: Support groups and classes at Jennie Ed., Mercy, Heartland Family Services, and WIC, two lactation consultants at Jennie Ed. Mon-Fri, breastfeeding peer counselors at WIC, Best Steps meetings at Methodist, breastfeeding support with home visits through FAMILY, Inc.

·        Gaps: Employer/business support, Iowa Medicaid does not cover pumps, rural family support, how do we reach non Medicaid families, lack of a breastfeeding champion MD, no Milkworks or La Leche League, lack of teen parent  breastfeeding support, poor communication from hospital to WIC regarding delivery of child, lack of support in first two weeks postpartum, lack of support for Spanish speaking families, we need more MD advocates and educators of breastfeeding benefits, consistent messaging

·        Goals: Connect with Prevent Child Abuse, promote more breastfeeding friendly businesses, increase first generation breastfeeding mothers, look into ways to utilize Strongify Your Baby, connect with Teen Parenting Support Network, MCO involvement in the coalition, gain Medicaid pump coverage, bring awareness of this coalition to the community, increase duration of breastfeeding, increase education for Spanish speaking population, learn from other states in how they helped advance breastfeeding


o   Consistent messaging

·        Stephanie and Madelyn looking into obtaining materials to share with the group


Next meeting location:  FAMILY, Inc. Conference Room , Careers Building
3501 Harry Langdon Blvd. Suite 150

Time: To be determined- please complete the Doodle Poll sent 11/2/17

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Collaboration of 10 Counties in Southwest IA

Pottawattamie, Mills, Harrison, Shelby, Cass, Monona, Page, Crawford, Fremont, Montgomery

For more information call 712-328-5886

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